Let’s Worship The Lord Together!

Sundays 10 am & 5:30 pm
Christian Ed - 11:25 am
Wednesday Connection Groups - 6:30 pm

And we beheld his glory square

AND WE BEHELD HIS GLORY - Re-Visiting The Wonder Of John's Gospel

Pastor Don leads a powerful sermon series exploring the majesty of Jesus through the lens of John's Gospel, inviting us to behold His glory afresh. This series will reignite our awe for Christ's divinity and deepen our understanding of His love and purpose for us.

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The imperfect prayer life web title


Join us Sunday nights at 5:30 pm for our one hour service as Pastor Don looks at how despite our struggles and imperfections in prayer, God is always inviting us into deeper communion with Him.

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Word rooted prayer and worship social

WORD-ROOTED PRAYER AND WORSHIP - Keeping Your Heart Close To The Flame

Pastor Don explores how grounding our prayers and worship in the Word of God keeps our hearts aligned with His purpose and ignites a passionate faith. Prayer rooted in Scripture connects us more deeply to God's will, sustaining our spiritual lives with His truth and presence.

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Online giving

Give Online

Thank you for continued financial support for God's work here at Cedarview and around the world. As much as possible please make donations through your online banking or through Planning Center on the Cedarview website.

Giving is available through texting using your smartphone. Send a text to 84321 with the word "Give" and the amount you would like to donate.

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Baptism 05

Have you accepted Christ into your life recently and are ready to take the next step in your faith?

Baptism is for YOU!

Contact Pastor Chris for more information.

Please use the “Baptism Application” button below.

Baptism Application
WHY square


Having conversation about life, faith, and Jesus is hard. WHY? is about creating a welcoming, friendly place where people can come and ask questions to explore the Christian faith.

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Choose Recovery Mondays

Choose Recovery

A Christ centered recovery program for any hurt, hang-up or habit. We meet every Monday night at 7:00 PM in the South Sanctuary. There is no need to register or sign up. Feel free to join us this Monday night.

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The Mix website Square

The Mix

The Mix is a fellowship ministry open to all Cedarview adults! It doesn't matter if you're single, single again, or married, you are welcome to attend! Join your friends every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm.

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Heart & Soul Women's Bible Study

Join us January 2025 for "Luke in the Land" with Bible teacher, Kristi McLelland.

We will walk with Jesus in His first century world that take us to locations in Israel; Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem and the road to Emmaus.


Men's Ministry

Join us for our monthly Men's Ministry gathering, where we come together to grow in faith, support one another, and strengthen our bonds as brothers in Christ. These times of fellowship are essential for building community, encouraging spiritual growth, and sharpening one another. Don’t miss out!

Next Event - November 7
Prime Timers

Prime Timers

Prime Timers is a ministry for those 50 years of age and up. They meet the last Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.

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Moms Morning Out home page 1

Mom's Morning Out

Mom's Morning Out is a ministry for moms with their preschool children and babies to connect with each other and build meaningful friendships. We meet weekly on Monday mornings.

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BLAST Children's Ministry

We offer programs for newborns to age 10 to experience God's love. Our dedicated leaders and faithful volunteers desire to see children come to know Jesus, connect in community, live out their faith and impact their world.

Griefshare hero


GriefShare is a support group for people who have lost a family member or friend. Here, you will learn how to walk the journey of grief and be supported along the way. People can find healing and hope in this supportive and confidential group.


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Married's Ministry

Married's Ministry is for all married couples--young and old. We want to help you deepen your relationship with your spouse and with God.


Young Adults

We are a community of young adults ages 18–30, single or married. And our goal is to build up, empower, disciple, and equip young adults in their faith. While also building community, connection, accountability, and friendships.

Arabic Bible Study Oct 2

Arabic Bible Study

كلنا نشعر بذلك الانجذاب العميق – أننا جزء من شيء أكبر. القصص تحيط بنا، تتنافس على ولائنا وتشكل نظرتنا للحياة. لكن هل توقفت يومًا لتسأل ما إذا كانت القصة التي تعيشها تستحق الإيمان بها حقًا؟

يكشف الكتاب المقدس عن القصة الكبري التي تغير الحياة – سردًا عظيمًا، من الخلق إلى الفداء، تجيب عن أعمق أسئلتنا وتعطي حياتنا معنى. انضم إلينا في دراسة مثيرة للكتاب المقدس، حيث ستكتشف كيف تتشابك حياتك مع السرد الإلهي الأعظم الذي يشكل مجرى التاريخ بأكمله!

We all feel that deep pull—that we’re part of something bigger. Stories surround us, competing for our loyalty and shaping how we see life. But have you ever stopped to ask if the story you’re living is truly worth believing?

The Bible reveals the ultimate, life-changing story—a grand narrative, from creation to redemption, that answers our deepest questions and gives meaning to our lives.

Join us for an exciting Arabic Bible study , where you’ll discover how your life is woven into God’s ultimate narrative, shaping the course of all history!

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Farsi Bible Study Oct 2 Room Square

Farsi Bible Study

به گروه مطالعه کتاب مقدس فارسی ما بپیوندید، جایی که به شما کمک می‌کنیم در ایمان به عیسی مسیح رشد کنید و همچنین از کسانی که در جستجوی حقیقت‌های مسیحیت هستند حمایت می‌کنیم. چه تازه وارد ایمان شده باشید و چه در حال کاوش در سوالات روحانی باشید، این مطالعه فرصتی است برای تعمق در کتاب مقدس و کشف حقایق دگرگون‌کننده آن.

Join us for our Farsi Bible Study, where we help individuals grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and support those who are seeking to learn more about Christianity. Whether you are new to faith or exploring spiritual questions, this study offers a safe and encouraging space to dive deeper into the Bible and discover its life-changing truths.

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Spanish Bible Study Square

Spanish Bible Study

¡Te invitamos a nuestro estudio bíblico semanal en español! Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos juntos las profundidades de la Palabra de Dios los miércoles a las 6:30 pm en el Salón 105. No importa si eres nuevo en la fe o si eres creyente desde hace mucho tiempo; todos son bienvenidos. Esperamos compartir este tiempo de crecimiento espiritual juntos. Esperamos verlos allí!

We invite you to our weekly Bible study in Spanish! Come join us as we explore the depths of God's Word together on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in Room 105. It doesn't matter if you are new to the faith or if you have been a believer for a long time; everyone is welcome. We look forward to sharing this time of spiritual growth together. We look forward to seeing you there!