Missions is a huge part of life at Cedarview. Twice a year we host World Impact Sundays where you get to hear from some of the missionaries we support around the world. We also send out teams each year around the globe to support our missionary teams in the field.
Our Missionaries

Amar & Nadi Ram
Amar & Nadi's passion is to train Guyanese youth for future employment, within low-income Amerindian villages in Guyana, while also providing them a safe space to learn about Jesus. Although a country of just over 800,000 people, 35% of Guyanese live on less than USD $5.50 per day, which is highest in the indigenous Amerindian villages. The youth in these communities often battle with considerable mental health issues and feelings of extreme hopelessness. With this in mind, the Ram's decided to return to their country of birth, Guyana, to build Christ-centred relationships with youth in Amerindian low-income communities. Targeting high school dropouts, Amar will utilize his 30-years of experience in the automotive industry to teach the youth “Automotive Electrical, Diagnostics and Repairs” curriculum. Nadi will invest in the lives of the young women, as a mentor and a trusted friend, to help them realize their God-given potential. Their goal is to build lasting relationships with these Amerindian families, in order to lead them to hope in Christ.

Ian & Tiffanie Rowley
Ian and Tiffanie Rowley along with their two daughters, Emilyn and Sophia have been serving in Phnom Penh, Cambodia since 2012. Ian oversees Global Student Center and dorm that reaches to university students through a school, church, and dorm. 100 students live in the dorm and 400 other students engage in the other activites. Global builds relationship with the students and many become christ followers and then sends them out to plant churches in their homes. Tiffanie administers the ChildCARE Plus program in 13 communities with 550+ children. The program helps the child receive education, nutrition, medical and post secondary studies and a connection with the local church that transforms their lives forever.

Jef & Renatta Walton
The Walton family serves at Village of Hope - Malawi (VOHM), a ministry to orphaned and vulnerable children. VOHM provides education through its school, healthcare through local hospitals, nutrition through its feeding program, shelter through its children's homes to at-risk children, as well as discipleship through its weekly community chapel program. Jef and Renatta serve faithfully as the National Director and Village Administrator of VOHM. In total 220 children are being cared for through the programs at Village of Hope Malawi, ranging in age from preschoolers to teenagers. The primary program is based in a high density/low income community called Kauma, located on the outskirts of the capital city of Lilongwe.

David & EIleen Courey
After almost 30 years of ministry in Canada, David & Eileen have felt the call to teach at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels, Belgium.Today Christianity is at its lowest ebb in Europe since the Reformation. In Belgium evangelicals make up 1% of the population, but that's where the excitement is. Equipping leaders for the rebirth of the church in Europe and North Africa.

Mark & Kim Steinfield
After serving for 13 years in Armenia, the Steinfields have moved to Madrid, Spain where they are partnering with the Salem Churches. Mark will work alongside the Salem leadership to establish a Bible school and Kim will engage in marriage ministry. In addition to their ministry in Spain, Mark and Kim both serve on the Eurasia Region’s lead team. Mark overseas education initiatives in the region, and Kim provides member care for global workers. They have three energetic children: Alyssa, Madeleine, and Caleb.

Adrian & Sharon Thomas
Sharon and Adrian work as a team in the Dominican Republic and North Coast of Haiti. They minister with anointing among local pastors from over 15 different denominations. They have served as full-time missionaries in the Dominican Republic since January 2004. In September 2007 they became Full Time Vocational Missionaries with the PAOC. As the founders of Every Day Ministries Canada, they are laying the foundation to build a ministry that will change the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the nations of the world. Their vision is to empower, equip and enable national pastors and their families to fulfill their God given vision. With God's help, they are establishing a work along the north coast of the island of Hispaniola. They consider it privilege and joy to be a part of the miraculous transformation God is bringing to this island EVERYDAY!
Adrian and Sharon have three children, Kent, age 25, Luke, age 22, and Courtney, age 18. Kent and Luke are presently in Canada establishing themselves. Courtney is presently in the DR wrapping up school and actively involved in different areas of the ministry.
Visit http://www.everydayministries.ca to stay up to date with the Thomases and their work. For daily updates visit their Facebook page: Every Day Ministries Canada.

I & J B
They are working with new believers in a restricted access nation.

Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio
Sergio and Nancy are the directors of the Village of Hope orphanage and school in Zambia, which ministers to 585 needy children. The Village of Hope School runs classes from preschool to grade 11. The children attending have the added blessing of a daily feeding program and chapel services twice a week. Sergio oversees all of the building projects at the Village of Hope and at Trans-Africa Theological College. Nancy coordinates the Child Care Plus program for Zambia.
Visit http://www.vohafrica.com/ to learn more about the Villages of Hope.