Women's Ministry
We are here to serve you - the women of Cedarview. Please see below for the various ministries Cedarview offers to women.
If you would like to contact us to pray with you or just talk, please email ccc@cedarview.org. Your email message will be viewed confidentially and one of the ladies from the church will contact you promptly!
Contact: Elizabeth Calderwood - Director of Heart & Soul Women's Ministry
Follow us on Instagram - @heartsoulcedarview

Heart & Soul Bible Study
Women's Bible Study - Wednesday's at 6:30pm in the South Sanctuary (Led by Elizabeth Calderwood).
Join us Wednesday evenings as we study "Luke in the Land" with Bible teacher, Kristi McLelland.
This study will challenge the way we read the accounts of Jesus and will take us to locations in Israel; Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem and the road to Emmaus.
For more info please contact Elizabeth Calderwood/Director, Heart & Soul Women, at ecalderwood@cedarview.org
Click To Register
Heart & Soul Dessert Night
Join us and bring a friend on Tuesday, April 1st at 6:30pm for a dessert night with TLC - "The Life Centre - A Place to Heal."
Learn about the impactful work they are doing in our own community! Hear directly from a past client on how TLC helped transform their life through the power of God's love.

COME TO THE MOUNTAIN - A Study On The Sermon On The Mount
Women's Christian Ed Class - Sundays at 11:25 am in the Fellowship Hall (Led by Reni Horban)
Ladies, join us for a Women’s Christian Education class every Sunday at 11:25 AM in the Fellowship Hall! We'll dive into the topic "Come to the Mountain – A Study on the Sermon on the Mount." It's a time to grow in God's Word and connect with other women. This study is for women of all ages. Come and enjoy a cup of coffee along with baked goods and get to know some other CCC women!

Women's Online Prayer
Women's Online Prayer is every Tuesday @ 1:00pm!
This is an opportunity for women to join hearts in praying for each other, the church family and specific needs.
The prayer portion is voluntary so there is no pressure if you would just like to attend.
Join us any Tuesday for this one hour ladies "come as you are able and leave when you must" Zoom prayer time from 1:00-2:00pm.
Every Tuesday @ 1:00pm.
For more info please contact Elizabeth Calderwood at ecalderwood@cedarview.org

Mom's Morning Out
Monday’s at 9:30 am (Led by Tammy Fenwick)
Mom’s Morning Out is a ministry for mothers with babies and preschool children to connect with one another. It is our desire to see these women build meaningful friendships with one another, as they travel together through this very rewarding but challenging season of their lives. We also desire to give their little ones the opportunity to socialize and build friendships and familiarity with others.
Think of Mom’s Morning Out as a play date every Monday morning from 9:30am-11:00am. We meet in the Fellowship Hall where we enjoy socializing over coffee, tea and snacks while the little ones engage in unstructured playtime in a spacious room. The gym is opened as well to give the opportunity for more active play. We close with a time to share prayer requests for those who would like to.
Please contact Tammy Fenwick at tfenwick@cedarview.org for more information.

Blanket Ministry
Every 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 pm (Led By Laura Lee)
We are a serving ministry comprised of women who are dedicated to using their talents to help those in need. Our mission is to show the love of Christ to those in need by helping to meet their needs. We fulfill this mission by knitting and crocheting blankets. These blankets are then sent around the world through different ministries. We welcome women of all ages. No experience is necessary, we are willing to teach you.