Baptism 05


Is it for you?

Baptism CCC

Cedarview is all about responding to the good news of who Jesus is and what he’s done. The symbolism of baptism is a beautiful summary of the Christian life. As we go under the water, we identify ourselves with the death Jesus died on our behalf for our sins on the cross. As we emerge from the water, we identify ourselves with Christ’s resurrection, and our rising to new life in Jesus.

At Cedarview, we love baptisms. They are proof that God is working in and through us in a profound way, and that people are experiencing true transformation through the gospel. We celebrate when people are baptized because we believe baptisms are a blessing to everyone involved.

Should you be baptized?
There are two groups of people whom we encourage to sign up for baptism.

  1. Those who have recently put their faith in Jesus for the first time.
  2. Those who have been Christians for a while, but have never taken the important step of obedience to publicly share what Christ has done for them through baptism.

In order to be baptized, you must attend a Baptism Class during our Christian Education time and fill out the Water Baptism Form below. Our baptisms take place during our Evening Service on Sundays at 5:30 pm.

The next Baptism class will be on Sunday February 4 at 11:25 am in the Lounge.

For more information, please contact Pastor Chris.

There's no time like the present to get baptized!

— Pastor Don Horban —