Cedarview's Response To COVID-19
Hi Cedarview Family,
We realize that a number of people are planning on staying home tomorrow morning so we have decided to live stream our AM Service. You can go to our YouTube Channel or website shortly before 10 am to join us.
We will not be holding any Sunday services or Wednesday Core Groups until further notice following tomorrow’s AM service. During this time, you can still access past teachings through our website or our YouTube Channel. We will not be welcoming our new members tomorrow but will do so when our services resume.
We do not want to be reactionary or alarmist. Rather, we want to respond to this crisis in responsible and appropriate ways that reflect our convictions as followers of Jesus Christ. This means that we take seriously our calling to love our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as our neighbours, as image-bearers of our Lord in this fallen world. We ought to check our sinful responses and impulses. Many people in our society have been hoarding supplies such as hand sanitizer and toilet paper. This makes life more difficult for those who live paycheque-to-paycheque and cannot afford to stock up on needed materials that may no longer be readily available. As Christians, we are called to reject greed and instead to share with those in need. Let us use this opportunity to care in sensitive and intentional ways not only for one another, but also for our neighbours.
Please continue to pray for those affected as well as wisdom for the church leadership during these times. In Psalm 46, we are reminded that it is God who is our refuge and strength, and our ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, let us not fear, but with confidence use this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus through our prayers and our care for others.
Your Cedarview Leadership Team