CR Step Studies
We will be starting Step Studies on Sunday, September 30th, 2018.
WHY? Deepen, heighten and enhance your walk with God. Build your recovery (whether it be from emotional issues, life issues, health issues, or addiction issues) in a supportive small group, devoted to working through the Celebrate Recovery 12 Steps, and making new friends.
WHEN? Weekly, it’s about a half hour of work on your own, in your own time, thinking about and answering the questions in the particular lesson in the Celebrate Recovery Step Study workbooks…... and then an hour and half meeting here, each week, to share and discuss your responses to the Step lessons.
Sunday afternoons from 4pm until 5:30pm, Cedarview Community Church, Newmarket.
….starting Sunday September 30th, 2018.
There will be a Men’s Group and a Women’s Group.
Groups will be facilitated by leaders who have already completed Step Study. The Step Study groups will finish next spring. We work around holidays, no worries. If you have to miss a few sessions for an important reason, also no worries.Late starters can join the group. after Sept. 30, up to the end of Book One.
KEEP COMING TO MONDAY NIGHTS, OF COURSE!: Step Study is not a replacement for your participation each Monday night. This is an important addition, to accelerate and strengthen your recovery.
HAVE YOU DONE IT BEFORE? If you have already done a Celebrate Recovery Step Study, join in again and deepen your experience!
MATERIALS: You will need your own copies of the four Celebrate Recovery Step Study Workbooks. If you need us to order workbooks for you, the materials fee is $35. (If you cannot afford all of that fee, let us know right away).
HOW TO REGISTER FOR STEP STUDY:At the Monday night meeting, speak to Janet, Jonathan, or Pastor Ron.