Complement - Marriage Study
Add to your calendarSep 29, 2021
7:00pm - 8:00pm
We want to encourage all engaged couples, newly married couples and long time married couples to join us for this study! Here are some details about our next study entitled "Compliement" with Aaron and Jamie Ivey.
Does your marriage feel stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you and your spouse are never on the same team? Do you want a flourishing and vibrant marriage that reflects the gospel?
Over 7 sessions, Complement shines a compelling light on the beauty of marriage as God intends it. Through biblical teaching, storytelling, and real-life examples, Jamie and Aaron Ivey dismantle the distorted cultural views of submission, servanthood, and leadership within a marriage and offer a better view of healthy, godly marriage. In this study, participants will walk through the purpose of marriage as the Scripture relates it and tackle topics such as family mission, sex, leadership, fighting, and forgiveness. Because marriage is meant to not only give life and hope to both husband and wife, but also point the world to Christ.
Here is the Zoom Meeting ID: 825 7659 9515 or click the link below!