
High School Youth

High School Youth

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 Sep 08, 2023

 7:30pm - 9:30pm

 Cedarview Community Church

This is our main event for the week.

Use the only door with stairs outside. (Southeast corner of the building)

We start with a game in our youth room, then some announcements, followed by a sermon, and worship and then small group time to discuss the topic of the sermon. Afterwards, we have time in the gym or hang out in the youth room.

Our night officially ends at 9:30 pm to allow families with kids in both youth groups to leave at the same time, with optional games in the gym running afterward until as late as 10:00 pm.

There is no weekly email sent out to parents. All of our weekly event information can be found here on our website.

Parents can register students once per year to update contact info, allergies, emergency contact etc. using the button below:

Register Here